The Tell Your Secrets & Stuff To Chloe Pink Diary
Do you want your daughter or favorite girl to follow her dreams? Then, you'll want to give her this little pink book signed by Chloe Pink asap!
That's because Chloe Pink is actually right in this diary to help your special girl discover and write down the secrets & stuff that make her so special! How? By being the curious girl that she is, she asks a lot of questions! Things like " What are the top 10 reasons you love being a girl? Who are your friends? What stresses you out? What makes things all better? Who supports you? What are your favorite hobbies, sports and activities? And much, much more.
Plus -- Chloe Pink has added a FREE bonus section with the secret to making dreams come true! Once she learns the secret, watch out world! For ages 5-12.
Please click on "Contact" to tell Chloe Pink who to sign book to!